2020 MakeX Spark Online Competition Workshop (zoom)
MakeX is one of the biggest youth robotics and technology competition in the world, it has been hosted at over 60 countries with more than 200 competitions at 2019, it has four tiers of competition, Spark, Starter, Challenge, Premier.
At year of 2020, due to global lock down by pandemic (COVID19), the large scale of robotics competition become very challenge, and MakeX quickly adapt the reality, and change the plan, start to promote the online competition for Spark, the hardware based technology competition, which was fully moved online.
MakeX is a creative competition program for young people aged 6 to 13, with its theme of the 2020 season as Future Home.
Teams need to focus on the theme of each competition, carry out the projects through software programming and hardware construction, and display the projects to others (by video for online competition).
With the characteristics of low entry threshold and flexible forms, Spark focuses on guiding teenagers to not only learn interdisciplinary knowledge and apply them on practical problems, but also improve their problem-solving and logical-thinking skills, developing their creativity and imagination.
In 2020 MakeX Spark online competition, there will be five matches in total, with three domestic matches in Chinese, and two overseas matches in English. Each match is independent with one specific theme.
Participation Requirements
MakeX Spark online competition is an individual event. Each individual contestant can be instructed by one mentor. Each contestant can only submit one project.
Age groups: 6–9 years old (inclusive) for the elementary group, 10–13 years old (inclusive) for the intermediate group.
Software & Hardware
Software:The contestant must use mBlock 5, a programming platform developed by Shenzhen Makeblock Co., LTD. Contestants can choose mBlock for Web, mBlock for Windows, or mBlock for Mac.
Recommended Hardware
There is no equipment limitation, but we recommend Halocode, AI & IoT Creator Add-on Pack, 2020 MakeX Starter Smart Links Kit.
Competition Procedure
MakeX Spark encourages contestants to take the initiative to understand real-world problems and try to solve them in different ways. The following is the recommended procedures. Each contestant should get adequate preparation and in-depth exploration, fully investigate the background or real situation of the problem, collect information, generate and test possible solutions, analysis, and evaluate results.
Step 1 Topic Research
In the early stage of the competition, contestants can start to conduct thematic research and studies, explore real-world issues, understand the background, and search for solutions.
Step 2 Project Design
According to the requirements of each competition, contestants should prepare materials on-demand, then build a simple model to analyze and test the solutions.
Step 3 Project Construction
Based on the determined plan, the contestants confirm the topic and functions of the project, clarify the equipment list, and carry out software programming and hardware construction.
Step 4 Poster Design
The competition requires contestants to make posters (the picture below as an example) for the projects and submit them online.
⇑ Project Poster Example
Step 5 Online Submission
Project submission link for 1st Match will be open soon
Project submission link for 2nd Match will be open soon
With the help of mentors, contestants fill in the text, upload videos and pictures, then publish the projects in the mBlock Community. After that click the submission link on the competition webpage to submit their projects.
This Wednesday, Sep 2nd, 2020, we at YCIC (youth coding and innovation club) will host an online Zoom meeting, discuss all the details you need to know about the 2020 MakeX Spark competition.
Subject: Introduction of 2020 MakeX Spark Online Youth Tech Competition
Time: Sep 2nd, 2020, 7:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7369425277
Contact us at info@ycic.club if you have any question or need more information.
key word: “youth coding club”, “YCIC”, “youth innovation”